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Category Archives: europe winter 05

Winter 2005-2006


This winter break I spent a little time between Christmas and the start of the new semester in Europe. I flew to Dublin and back with my friend Ryan, although we may not be friends after that much time together in US‘s aluminum cans. I’m editing this from one long itinerary post, so bear with […]

Dublin airport, points east, and points west


FR 1125 LGW-DUB 4 Jan 2035-2150 Although the UK immigration authorities had grilled me twice (and laid down two separate “leave to enter for six months” stamps within a page of each other), Ireland’s tired soul looked at the previous stamp and mumbled a bit. On this exit from Customs in Ireland I was not […]



Thanks to the automatic five trillion percent London markup, airfare from Paris to London proved to be no cheaper than taking a high speed train underwater. That almost makes sense coming from the domestic air market in the States, but looks odd in Europe. So I took the eurostar 9025 Paris Nord–London Waterloo 3 Jan […]



FR 22 DUB-BVA 30 Dec 0700-0925 I was greeted in the cornfields of Beauvais with the beginnings of a French blizzard–an unusual event which made the long line for coach tickets feel just a bit less friendly. I’m glad I brought gloves, coat, and ear protection. When I got to the stop in Paris the […]

Eastbound and Dublin I


US 828 PIT-PHL 28 Dec 1800-1910 US 98 PHL-LGW 2020-0825* BA 8082 LGW-DUB 29 Dec 1015-1140 In Dublin, I (almost accidentally) stayed with Ryan’s ridiculously hospitable friend Karen and family for the day (and night). They kept me primed with food and drink even when I was falling asleep on them. It was humbling.