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Brazilian Day 2007


As I’d feared, the Manhattan Brazil day was long on corporate and short on Brazil. The vast majority of the street fair—at least 70%, and almost everything uptown of 47th St—had nothing to do with Brazil. The same smoothie stand, gyro booth, reggae CD shop, etc. repeated ad nauseum, with the occasional Hispanic food booth. […]

Brazilian Day Festivals in the NYC Area


This Labor Day weekend, there will be no less than three Brazilian Day festivals in the New York City area (commemorating Brazilian independence). They are these: From the 31st-3rd in Newark (free shuttle buses from Newark Penn). On the 2nd in Manhattan (Little Brazil, around 46th St. and 6th Ave.), details here. On the 3rd […]

Brasilianville Café and Grill, Astoria


Today I had lunch at Brasilianville Café and Grill in Astoria, Queens. It’s a kilo restaurant, of the type that’s very common in Brazil, although it bows to America’s Imperial sensibilities and vends food by the pound. Food from the salad and steamer bars is $3.99/lb; churrasco (Brazilian barbecue) is $6.99/lb. I had a very […]

Existential Crisis


Now that I have this blog more or less set up the way I want it, it becomes useless (and I become immobile, in the grand scheme of things). Where to? Save it for the next time I travel? Nobody would read that, because you’re mostly (all? I haven’t checked the stats lately) non-RSS-feed-using Luddites. […]

Filling up the picture tubes


After running out of disk space and fending off a hack attempt from a few days ago (oops… I’m slacking), I’ve gotten most of my pictures from my post-term trip up. 4807

Last Days


Hmm, it’s been a while. I’m back Stateside now, through a slightly torturous route. Shanghai to Shenzhen was no trouble, and nor was speeding back to Lingnan by minibus. I picked up my stuff and met a small party in Trevor’s apartment, where I picked up my luggage and got a taxi bargained for me… […]

Why I really like China


My last day in Kyoto, I saw the mostly worthless (but free) application-required tour of the not-so-old Imperial Palace. Yawn. More yawns followed during the night bus ride to Tokyo (nobody had a seatmate this time… excellent) and as I staggered through the early morning of Tokyo. In Tokyo, I wandered around Ueno before anything […]

Most of Kyoto


Here is the laundry-list style recap since I am a bad blogger: Monday: Went to nearby Nara, an ancient capital. Walked all around Nara-koen, saw a really big wooden building (Grand Buddha hall) among other nice things. Came back, explored downtown Kyoto. My food staples here: Yoshinoya beef bowl at least once daily, Cafe du […]

more Tokyo, some Kyoto


Right, Tokyo… Shibuya, Roppongi, and I meant to see more, honest. Maybe I will squeeze in Asakusa on my way out. Shibuya was as bustling as advertised. I went to see the Roppongi Hills development and satisfy my urban planning curiosity, but wound up sidetracked as the Mori Art Museum there was hosting a Le […]

Since my last post in Shanghai…


I pretty much wandered through the French concession for a day and a half or so. It was nice and… leafy. I like leafy streets, and they tend to be in short supply in this half of the world. I came down with a nasty little head cold on the morning of my departure, but […]