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How I know where my classes are

I’ve previously hinted at the absurdity of Lingnan’s scheduling, but I haven’t revealed my secret for coping. This shall not stand.

Because I have each class once weekly (counting the tutorials separately), and because at times tutorials don’t meet, the location of my classes doesn’t imprint on me as easily as it would normally. Even my high school’s crazy “modular” 3 day cycle times 9 period day (with duo-cycles for band sectionals) worked its way into my head after a couple weeks, but Lingnan’s classes just won’t click. My solution: Google calendar.

I put my classes in calendar as recurring events, and set up SMS alerts. In Hong Kong (well, pretty much everywhere outside the US and Canada, as I understand it) it’s free to receive SMS. 15 minutes before every class I get an SMS with the class name and its location. Assuming I don’t forget to keep the text until I’ve made it to the class, no worries.

This is overkill (and a waste of precious electrons) for a problem most people would solve with a planner, but there’s no piece of paper that I’m guaranteed to be carrying. On the other hand, it’s easy for me to remember my mobile (partly because I’m depending on it so much for scheduling…). It works for me, so I use it.

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